Welcome to Ocean Rowing Stats
We are proud and excited to finally launch the new home of ALL ocean rowing statistics!
With the sport of ocean rowing becoming more popular both for rowers themselves and spectators, we have created the largest and most up to date database in the world that houses every single ocean row there has ever been.
This database is powered by a community of people that will contribute to the site – after all, the community of ocean rowing is all about supporting each other!
Help us both with making sure data is kept up to date, as well as new data supplied. Have you rowed an ocean? If so – go check out your row! Is there anything else you would like to be displayed? Email us! Are you hoping to row an ocean? Tell us all about it!! We want to know, amplify and record your achievements.
Click on the ‘Register’ tab above for the how to and down low on getting your name in lights and receive an Ocean Rowing Stats certificate.
Thank you to our partners for sponsoring Ocean Rowing Stats and thank you for all your support.