Ocean Rowing Stats Stories

What is Ocean Rowing?
Ocean Rowing is the biggest, maddest, most excellent adventure that you’ve never heard of! Ocean rowing is a niche, but fast growing, extreme adventure sport

Boat for Sale ‘Ravi’
Ocean Rowing Vessel for Sale
Solid and reliable vessel for the independent trip or training purposes. RAVI is built by the very experienced vessel builder

Who is Aurimas Valujavičius and why does he want to row an Ocean?
I am Aurimas Valujavičius, a long-time vlogger and a traveler, Lithuanian Traveler of the Year, and a Lithuanian record holder for the longest kayaked distance

Ocean Rowing Boat Trilogy – For Sale
Built in 2010, Trilogy is a carbon fibre Woodvale 4 and has three successful Atlantic crossings to her name (hopefully four by the time we

British soldier more than 75 days into world-first Atlantic row
British soldier, Jack Jarvis, is currently attempting something no one has ever done before – rowing solo, unsupported, from mainland Europe to mainland North America,

And They’re Off!
After 10 months of planning, training and meticulous preparation, our inaugural Roxy crew are about to set off from the Canary Islands to fulfil their